
They Have Bones to Pick Over Their Own Pet Peeves

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There has got to be something done about the unfair treatment of dog owners in Santa Monica. Everyone I talk to in Santa Monica, whether they own a dog or not, is shocked to learn you are legally banned from any park in Santa Monica with a leashed dog. It is an outrage.

Dogs are part of urban environments and must be included in city planning.

I am a citizen of Santa Monica and a dog owner. I am outraged at the lack of facilities and the prejudice against this large segment of the Santa Monica population.

I was among those instrumental in starting the first dog park in Santa Monica, located at 14th and Olympic. It was an earnest effort with a paltry outcome. I don’t even use it for the same reason that most dog owners don’t use it: It is ugly, and too small. We were promised at the time that the facilities would be expanded and other dog parks would be opened in the future. This has not been the case.


I would like parks and beaches either partially or fully opened up to people with leashed dogs with some areas designated for unleashed dogs.

Regarding the problem of dog poop, I would like a program in Santa Monica that educates the citizenry about cleaning up after their dogs. You would be surprised how many people don’t even know it is a law. I will spearhead it, if necessary. As part of this program, the city should provide trash cans on street corners to dispose of the waste with signs informing people about the necessity to clean up after their dogs. The majority of dog owners are responsible, caring people. Owning a dog presupposes just those attributes. I am a single woman. I would like to go running at 6 in the morning or 8 at night. I wouldn’t dare go into Palisades Park at those hours without my dog as a deterrent. Aside from companionship, dogs serve this very necessary purpose for people in the crime-ridden ‘90s.

Dogs have been part of human society for centuries. It’s time Santa Monica recognized the rights of its dog owners.



Santa Monica
