
WEST ADAMS : Korean Center Fetes Anniversary


The Korean Resource Center, which has sustained many Korean immigrants who miss their homeland and educated Korean-Americans curious about their heritage, celebrated its 10th anniversary last week.

The center was established to “rekindle and re-emphasize Korean immigrants’ lost sense of their heritage and culture,” said Kyung Kyu Lim, a volunteer.

But the nonprofit center also supplements its classes in Korean history, language and culture with social services, such as English classes, legal assistance and advocacy on behalf of immigrant workers.


Jin Wan Choi, a member of the board of directors, sees no conflict between the center’s dual focus. “America is a plural society and if we lose our identity we are nothing,” he said. “But if we keep our heritage, we can contribute more to American society, which is like a salad bowl. And we can help people learn about Korea and serve as a bridge between the Asian and American continents.”

By combining educational and cultural activities with community service, the center reminds Korean-Americans of their roots, but also of their responsibilities as citizens living in this country, said researcher Min Ji Kwon.

The center’s annual budget of about $30,000 is raised through donations, the sale of books and other educational materials and yard sales. The staff is looking for a larger building and hopes to move from its cramped quarters in a small house near Crenshaw and Adams boulevards.

Information: (213) 735-5448.
