
Educating Youths About Gays


As one of those “avowed homosexuals,” it is difficult for me to decide whether I find homophobia or hypocrisy more offensive. Catherine O’Neill’s column “What to Tell the Children?” (Commentary, Feb. 17) is an extreme example of both. As political vice president of Stonewall Democratic Club, the Gay, Lesbian and Feminist Democratic Club of Los Angeles County, I have had many opportunities to observe political opportunism at the expense of the lesbian and gay community. However, O’Neill’s article rises to new heights.

O’Neill argues that mayoral candidate Mike Woo is giving “political preferences to avowed homosexuals” by stating that he will appoint an openly gay person to the Police Commission. She then proceeds to denounce “foisting” acceptance of gays and lesbians on “young children.”

Strange! O’Neill did not voice these same concerns when she actively sought the Stonewall Democratic Club endorsement in her contest for state Senate against Tom Hayden. I was a member of the committee that interviewed O’Neill and ran the meeting when she spoke at our monthly general meeting to request our support. (She did not receive our endorsement because she displayed an abject lack of knowledge about gays and lesbians.)


I will try one more time to make individuals such as O’Neill see the truth. It is really quite simple. I am a lesbian. I will be a lesbian to the day I die. If I never have a sexual experience again my sexual orientation will not change, any more that O’Neill’s will if she is celibate!

Educating young children to be accepting of other people is and must be a priority if this pluralistic society of ours is to survive. We cannot await “consensus” before we teach our children to treat all people with courtesy, dignity and respect.

Councilman Mike Woo understands these basic facts. His agreement to appoint a qualified lesbian or gay to the Police Commission is an acknowledgment that gays and lesbians are a part of this city and are people who have, unfortunately, had great difficulty in relating to the LAPD. Councilman Woo is, unlike O’Neill, simply doing what he believes is right, rather than what is politically expedient.


Los Angeles
