
Domestic Violence Against Men Is on the Rise, Magazine Says

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<i> Reuters</i>

Some men are keeping a secret about violence in their homes--that they are the victims and the aggressors are their wives.

A report in Britain’s Esquire magazine today said violence by women against men is growing in both Britain and the United States.

“Patterns of violence varied. Men used their fists, while women generally employed common household items like knives, scissors, saucepans or lamps and, curiously, baseball bats,” the report said. “We’re not talking about the odd plate flung across the kitchen here.”


Several men interviewed for the article said they had lost their jobs as a direct result of their wives’ behavior.

“One man who kept turning up to work with a black eye was told he must leave because the customers didn’t like it,” the report said.

The law is of little help to male victims, family lawyer Anthony Lawson told the magazine. “Courts favor the women,” he said. “It is automatically assumed that the man is the violent one.”


The article said that only 20% of men who were beaten divorced their abusive wives.
