
We Can Make This City a Shining Example : Mayor’s race: We need no new taxes for education, police, social services; redistribution, and a city lottery, can do it.

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Eileen Anderson is a singer and dancer.

I would like to create a peaceful city where people of all races and creeds can live and work together in peace and harmony. As a woman, I believe that I can bring love, peace and understanding to our city by suggesting changes that involve each and every one of us.

The most important issue facing our city is crime. My vision for solving crime among our youth is to open more youth centers for learning and recreation, and to introduce trade schools, giving our young a chance to make something of their lives.

As an alternative to overcrowded jails, our younger generation should be placed in rehabilitative programs, which would include cleaning up their communities while being educated and taught a trade.


My vision for our police department is to create better communications with all people in our city, including the use of more community-oriented foot, bicycle and horse patrols. The people should be given the chance to interact with our police on the streets and in their communities by having the police meet with them.

Our poor education system is one of the main problems facing our children’s future. My vision for better education in our schools is better wages for our teachers. Teachers have a very important role to play and should be paid adequately. Teaching should be considered a serious and important profession. State and city spending should hold schools high on their priority list.

Homelessness in our city is tragic. I would like to see the homeless work in exchange for clothing, food and shelter. Their jobs could include cleaning up the streets, painting out graffiti and cleaning the parks and beaches.


I would like to see all the unemployed aerospace workers and all unemployed people in general working and using their skills for the peace-oriented industries such as environmental organizations, the recycling industry, and city and county public works departments.

A working transportation system is necessary to make this city work. We need a surface railway system that serves the whole Los Angeles basin, not a placebo subway that serves fragments of the city.

All of these visions for our city can be funded by redistribution of existing funds and cutting excessive and unnecessary government spending. Our city taxes should not be constantly raised as an excuse to heal problems for which we do not see any successful results. I would also like to propose a city lottery to help fund some of these programs.


I would hope that through these suggestions, the people of Los Angeles would come to realize that I am a serious mover and shaker, and that with a lot of love, care and understanding, we can make this city an example for all.
