
IRVINE : College Offers Spanish Course in Costa Rica

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Irvine Valley College is offering a three-week Spanish course in Costa Rica this summer that will include some sightseeing and tours.

The course is open to students wanting to improve their Spanish-speaking ability and to novice language learners. Students will leave Los Angeles on June 5 and return June 26.

Besides instruction at the Central American Institute for International Affairs in San Jose, the $1,960 price includes air fare, room and board with a local family, trips to the rain forests, nearby cities, beaches and volcanoes, and a tour of the House of Congress.


The course earns three units of college credit. The college is requesting that interested students enroll as soon as possible so the college can plan for the size of the group.

For more information, call the college’s community education office at (714) 559-3333 or Prof. Beatrice Tseng at (714) 559-3343.
