
Sinking feeling: Tax preparers Kenneth and Laura...


Sinking feeling: Tax preparers Kenneth and Laura Ellison of Lakewood display a model of the Titanic in their office.

“We think it’s a humorous symbol,” said Kenneth Ellison, pointing out that the Titanic went down the same day that many taxpayers do: April 15.

Lawyers in love: Some objections have been raised to a recent article in “California Lawyer” that compared the real-life sexual antics of local barristers to those in the overheated “L.A. Law” TV show. (Our favorite anecdote involved a lawyer who purportedly “consummated an affair with a senior partner in the office library sink.”)


Two lawyers wrote the magazine to object. A third lawyer, however, concurred with the article, writing of “powerful partners” he has known who have insisted “on such coveted things as . . . corner offices . . . for their love interests.”

Kids, don’t let your parents do this: Michael Gorfain found a bizarre warning label “on one of those continuous loop, cloth towel dispensers in a restaurant’s men’s room (see enclosed).” He adds: “Next, I suppose, the attorneys will be warning us not to drink the liquid soap or stick our heads in the toilet because it ‘can be harmful or injurious.’ ”

The French have a word for it: As we noted, a speed bump is called a “judder bar” in New Zealand. Jonathan Dobrer phoned to say that in France the curb-to-curb barrier is known as flic alonge . “It translates as sleeping or reclining cop,” Dobrer said.

So do Sacramentans: In our state capital, meanwhile, motorists approaching a speed bump are warned by signs that say: “Undulation Ahead.” Sounds like typical Sacramento bureaucratese.

Mayor of the world: All this talk of foreign cities inevitably reminds us of Mayor Tom Bradley.

Mike Chutuk wrote to point out that Bradley’s predecessor, Sam Yorty, also had a case of wanderlust. During one visit to Southeast Asia, Travelin’ Sam misplaced $430 in traveler’s checks when, as he later explained it, he traded shirts with an Air Force general at a party.

Bradley used Yorty’s jaunts as a campaign issue and unseated the incumbent. And Chutuk recalls an editorial cartoon that showed Bradley pledging: “If elected, I will go to City Hall,” while Yorty, holding his head in anguish, says: “Why didn’t I think of that!”

Historic intersections (cont.): We’ve mentioned the corners of Gregory and Peck on the Westside and Rodney and Kingswell in Hollywood. Don Way adds a mid-L.A. intersection that brings to mind a campaign issue in the last presidential race: Clinton and Oxford.


Postal humor: A fan letter from Atco, N.J., addressed to “Lana Turner, c/o Metro Meyer (sic) Studios,” was delivered to . . . the Metro section of the L.A. Times.


After seeing our references to L.A. Platz in Berlin, L.A. Square in Nagoya, Japan, and the L.A. Bar and Grill at France’s EuroDisney, Terri Barker forwarded a photo to show that there’s an L.A. Cafe in Agios Nikolaos on the island of Crete.

Barker wasn’t 100% sure that “L.A.” stands for Los Angeles. But she noted that the place does serve pizza and hamburgers.
