
Community Colleges : CHANCE FOR A BETTER LIFE : Platform : Coping With Fee Increases, Fewer Classes : ANGELA DE JOSEPH; Los Angeles City College, Cinema Dept.

<i> Compiled for The Times by Danica Kirka and Danielle Masterson</i>

The problem is that the community college is supposed to be one of the few places that you can go back to school and get an affordable education.

Because of changes in the business world, many people in California can’t find a job in their field. So they are forced to go back to school to retrain in a new field.

Originally, classes were $6 a unit. Now it’s about $50 a unit (if you already have a degree). The higher tuition is going to make it harder and harder for us to go back and get retrained.


Many times when people give donations to schools, they give it to the prestigious universities. Those schools already attract a significantly large amount of grants and donations. And the people who need it the most don’t get it. So I hope philanthropists consider community colleges in the future.
