
The Region : Flood Control Fee Increase


Virtually unnoticed, Los Angeles County supervisors last week took a step that could add $11 to the average home property tax bill.

Supervisors unanimously approved scheduling a public hearing on a plan to increase the flood control service fee from $26 to $37 for a typical household. A property owner’s flood control fee is based on the land’s estimated storm water runoff.

Jean Granucci, a county Public Works Department spokeswoman, said the increase will generate $40 million needed to operate the flood control system and construct storm drains next year.


She said funds generated by the increase will replace money the county Public Works Department’s flood control division is projecting to lose under the state budget proposed by Gov. Pete Wilson, who wants to shift $2.6 billion in property taxes away from local governments and special districts.

Public meetings on the issue are scheduled for June 28 at Blair High School in Pasadena and July 6 at Covina High School. The supervisors’ vote will follow their hearing on July 15.
