
Swordfish, Jellies, Creamed Corn

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DEAR SOS: Croce’s in San Diego serves a wonderful swordfish wrapped in grape leaves. Can we get the recipe?


DEAR JESSE: Chef Fay Nakanishi provided this unusual recipe from Croce’s American-international menu.

CROCE’S SWORDFISH IN GRAPE LEAVES 1 bunch sage 2 tablespoons chopped garlic 1 tablespoon cracked black pepper 1 1/2 cups olive oil 6 (7-ounce) swordfish steaks 18 grape leaves Salt


Remove stems from sage and stack leaves. Cut leaves in strips about 1/8-inch wide. Place in small mixing bowl. Add garlic, pepper and olive oil. Mix well. Place swordfish steaks in medium-sized bowl and cover with marinade, turning to coat well.

Pinch off stems from grape leaves. Place 2 large leaves smooth-side down, overlapping about 1 inch. Place swordfish in center of leaves and moisten with marinade. Season to taste with salt. Place another large leaf on top of fish and tuck edges neatly under steak. Fold edges of bottom leaves to top of steak. Turn steak over so smooth side is on top.

Place wrapped steaks on charcoal grill, smooth-side up. Grill 3 minutes and turn carefully. Grill 3 minutes on other side. Serve at once. Makes 6 servings.


Note : Preserved grape leaves are available in jars at most Greek or Middle Eastern grocery stores. To use fresh grape leaves from the vine, rinse thoroughly and parboil or soak in hot water to soften.

Each serving contains about: 279 calories; 193 mg sodium; 62 mg cholesterol; 15 grams fat; 2 grams carbohydrates; 32 grams protein; 0.17 gram fiber.


DEAR SOS: I’d like a recipe for a jelly confection.


DEAR SHARON: How about Apricot Jellies?

APRICOT JELLIES 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin 1 1/2 cups sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 8 ounces dried apricots (about 2 1/4 cups) 1/2 cup water 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup chopped walnuts Powdered sugar


Combine gelatin, sugar and salt in top of double boiler. Puree apricots with water in blender. (If blender not available, steam apricots in small amount of water until soft, about 5 minutes, and force through fine sieve.) Add apricot puree to gelatin mixture and cook over simmering water 30 minutes, stirring often. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla and nuts.

Pour mixture into 8x4-inch loaf pan that has been rinsed with cold water. Let stand in cool place overnight. Loosen candy around edges with sharp knife. Place on board dusted with powdered sugar and cut into cubes, then roll in powdered sugar. Makes 40 cubes.

Each cube contains about: 55 calories; 8 mg sodium; 0 cholesterol; 1 gram fat; 12 grams carbohydrates; 1 gram protein; 0.24 gram fiber.

DEAR SOS: Some time ago you printed a recipe for creamed corn from Reuben’s restaurant in San Pedro. I lost the recipe. Please print it again.


DEAR SOPHIA: With pleasure. The creamed corn goes well with grilled meat, fish or poultry.

REUBEN’S CREAMED CORN 1 1/2 cups half and half 2 chicken bouillon cubes Dash white pepper 2 teaspoons sugar 2 (10-ounce) packages frozen cut corn, thawed 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour Chopped parsley

Blend together half and half, chicken bouillon cubes, pepper and sugar in saucepan. Bring to boil. Add corn to boiling liquid. Return to boil, reduce heat and simmer 3 to 5 minutes.


Melt butter in separate small saucepan. Add flour and cook, stirring constantly, until paste is formed. Add flour mixture to corn mixture and stir with wooden spoon to mix well. Bring to boil, stirring frequently, until thickened. Removed from heat. Sprinkle lightly with chopped parsley. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

Each serving contains about: 211 calories; 69 mg sodium; 32 mg cholesterol; 11 grams fat; 25 grams carbohydrates; 5 grams protein; 0.57 gram fiber.
