
John Birch Society


It is a betrayal of their own stated purposes for the members of the Cousins Club of Orange County first to state in an April 26 letter to The Times that they are “especially sensitive” to any activities which threaten freedom, and then to throw unsubstantiated mud at the John Birch Society.

The letter writers expressed “disillusionment and despair” over “alleged secret activities” of the Anti-Defamation League. Then without a shred of evidence, they immediately proceed to accuse our society of the tactics they rightly abhor. They offend additionally by indicating that we are guilty of the condemnable activities of the Klan.

There has never been anything secret about the John Birch Society. Nor is there now, or has there ever been, any John Birch Society connection to the Klan ideologically, or otherwise. The truth, rather, is that our society has done more to keep the Klan from being a greater influence than any other group in America.



President, John Birch Society

Appleton, Wis.
