
SAN FERNANDO : Higher Utility Fees OKd Over Protest


Residents and business owners will see increases in their bimonthly water and sewer service bill in August to pay for two capital improvement projects.

The San Fernando City Council approved the rate hikes after a handful of residents warned during a hearing Monday that lawns will turn brown.

“Our whole city will turn into a dry city,” said resident Roberta Philpy.

One resident suggested the city remove the green lawn surrounding the San Fernando Mission pictured in its logo.


Water service rates will increase an average 9.7% annually, and the sewer service charge will increase by 12.5% annually, adding a minimum of about $8 to bills mailed every two months to property owners.

While property owners are shouldering the costs of improvements to the city’s water distribution system through the water rate hikes, the city plans to sell bonds to pay for a second capital improvement project.

The city’s share of sewer improvements to the Hyperion Treatment Plant, operated by the city of Los Angeles, is $4.6 million. The increase in the sewer service charge, about $2 per dwelling unit, will be used to pay the bonds off, city officials said.

The new water and sewer service rates go into effect Aug. 25.
