
SAILING : 12 More Start Transpacific Race


A dozen more boats started the 37th biennial Transpacific Yacht Race on Friday, among them Bob Lane’s Medicine Man, which insiders expect will be the first to reach the finish line in Hawaii sometime next weekend.

The last 16 boats, largest and fastest of the 42-boat fleet, including 13 ULDB 70s, or “sleds,” will start at 1 p.m. today, but will be pressed to overtake Lane’s Andrews 56, which rates only nine or 10 hours slower for the race.

They must also catch Jerry Montgomery’s 40-foot sloop, Patriot, from Alamitos Bay Yacht Club, which started Wednesday, found good wind on a southerly course and logged a 200-mile day. At its current pace, Patriot will have about a 465-nautical-mile head start on the boats starting today.


Barbara Colville’s Schock 55 Harlequin from Newport Harbor Yacht Club didn’t reach the line until 30 minutes after the start.
