
Beth Moore, a Highland Park high school...


Beth Moore, a Highland Park high school student, is one of two teen-agers participating in a one-week study tour of hunger and poverty in Guatemala sponsored by World Vision, a Christian relief and development organization.

Moore, 17, won the trip by raising more than $350 in February by recruiting people to sponsor her in a 30-hour fast, and by writing an essay on the hunger caused by extreme poverty in Central America.

Moore left Aug. 7 with the other winner, Pete Saeger of Orefield, Pa., and two members of World Vision’s staff. In September, she will be a junior at Franklin High School.



Alexandra Sari Gruber of La Crescenta received Yale University’s highest award for fine art, the Sudler Prize, when she received her bachelor’s degree in music and theater studies in June.

Gruber is the daughter of Carolyn Gruber-Wragge and John Wragge of La Crescenta.
