
Trains for the Fair

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For the last two weekends, the Ventura County Transportation Commission ran Metrolink commuter trains to the fair. We were overwhelmed and gratified by the public response and had to run 12-car trains.

Unfortunately, the train schedule was designed for shorter trains, which caused some of the trains to run a little late. Now that we know the level of public interest, we can do a better job of planning for next year’s fair.

If any passengers still want to get a Metrolink button and didn’t get one at the station, they may call our Dial-A-Route number, (800) 438-1112, and we will send it to them.


I want to express my appreciation to the public for their understanding and patience, especially on the first Saturday of service. Notwithstanding a few minor glitches, I think most folks, especially the kids, enjoyed the train ride, and we look forward to an even better Metrolink fair experience next year.

Ginger Gherardi


Ginger Gherardi is executive director of the Ventura County Transportation Commission.
