
A summary of significant Los Angeles City...

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A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the last week.


* FARMERS MARKET: Approved the temporary closure of 87th Street between East Way and Truxton Avenue on Wednesdays from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. beginning Sept. 22 for the new Westchester Farmers Market. All city permits fees will be waived, except a onetime payment of $528 for street closures and street sales permits.

* RECYCLING: Councilwoman Ruth Galanter is proposing that city officials investigate the feasibility of using a Styrofoam compacting machine in recycling plastic products, such as beverage cups and plates. Galanter said the Dart Container Co., a major manufacturer of Styrofoam, has developed a machine that compacts the material, which can then be melted down and turned into other products, including plastic trays and furniture.



* ELEPHANT TRANSFER: Approved moving Billy, a-10-year-old Asian bull elephant, from the Los Angeles Zoo to a private stable in Perris in Riverside County. Billy will live in Perris for a year, at a cost of $15,000, while the elephant facility is undergoing a $900,000 face lift. Six other elephants will be moved to other parts of the facility during the remodeling. Zoo officials were criticized last year after another elephant, Hannibal, died after being tranquilized and loaded into a trailer. Hannibal was being sent to a zoo in Mexico. Zoo officials said Billy will not be tranquilized.


* WALK OF FAME: Approved adding the names of comic Chevy Chase and actor Richard Mulligan to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. A ceremony is scheduled for Chase at 11:30 a.m. Sept. 23 at 7021 Hollywood Blvd. A ceremony for Mulligan will be at 11:30 a.m. Sept. 30 at 6777 Hollywood Blvd.


How Westside representatives voted on selected issues.


* RIOT: Approved an ordinance waiving sewerage facilities charges for liquor stores damaged or destroyed in the 1992 civil disturbances, if the stores are converted to another business not involving the sale of alcohol. Mayor Richard Riordan must give final approval. PASSED: 13-0.

VOTING YES: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro, Galanter, Jackie Goldberg, Nate Holden, Mark Ridley-Thomas and Zev Yaroslavsky.

* ARAB BOYCOTT: Approved an ordinance prohibiting the city from doing business with foreign-owned businesses that participate in the Arab boycott of Israel. PASSED: 14-0.


VOTING YES: Braude, Ferraro, Galanter, Goldberg, Holden, Ridley-Thomas and Yaroslavsky.
