
LABOR PAINS: There’s not much for them...

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LABOR PAINS: There’s not much for them to celebrate, but Ventura County union members will show solidarity today at their annual Labor Day barbecue at Oxnard College. “We’re not where we would like to be,” conceded Jerry Foy, who represents 1,500 Communications Workers of America--down from 1,850 a few years ago. In some construction unions, half the membership is idle, labor leaders said. . . . For the county’s biggest unions--county workers and teachers--jobs are at stake in two November ballot issues. County workers are campaigning for the half-cent sales tax extension, while teachers are leading the fight against school vouchers.

Organized Labor

Membership in some of Ventura County’s largest labor unions:

Service Employees Int’l: 6,000

Calif. Teachers Assn.: 4,200

United Food & Comm. Workers: 3,000

Calif. Federation of Teachers: 2,500

Teamsters: 2,500

Communications Workers of America: 1,500

Laborers Int’l: 1320

Source: Union leaders
