
Less Costs More

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I noted in your article on new cable rate structures that Century Cable, which serves the eastern section of the city of Ventura, had declined to provide the new rate figures. I received the rate card from Century Cable that same day, and now I know why Century refused to release its figures to The Times.

The cost for basic service has increased from $17.45 to $25.70 per month. Not only has the rate gone up, but as your article pointed out, Century has reduced its basic service by 12 channels. To continue the same level of service I now have, the cost would be $28.79 per month, which represents an increase of 60%.

It was my understanding the intent of the Cable Act was to curb the unprecedented fee hikes consumers have paid over the past few years (already up 60% in seven years for Century Cable). If the city of Ventura will not assist its residents in obtaining equal protection under the law, then it is up to each Century Cable customer to complain directly to the FCC.



