
Sponsors Sought for Audubon Newsletter

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Students in Ventura County classrooms can receive copies of the Audubon Society’s monthly environmental newsletter, under a donor-sponsored program the Ventura club is offering.

The club is seeking sponsors to pay $30 for each classroom’s subscription to Audubon Adventures, the monthly newsletter written for schoolchildren.

The donations can be designated for a specific classroom, or the society will choose a school from its lengthy waiting list, said Kris Mashburn, chairwoman of the group’s education committee.


Many teachers who receive the newsletter incorporate the articles into their curricula, said Mashburn, who works as a naturalist for the state of California.

The society budgeted $1,500 for the education effort, but that pays for only about 50 classrooms. Mashburn said the Ventura County chapter hopes to supply the newsletters to another 50 classrooms.

The four- to six-page publications contain information and articles about the Audubon Society’s efforts toward preserving the habitats of endangered and threatened species.


But the stories are tailored for young readers between third and eighth grades, Mashburn said.

The $30 donations provide every student in the designated classroom a copy of Audubon Adventures for each month of the academic year, she said.

The deadline to sponsor classes for this academic year is Oct. 22, she said.
