
Wilson Signs Bills to Help Blunt Defense Cutbacks

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Gov. Pete Wilson signed a legislative package Thursday intended to help the California economy survive federal defense spending cutbacks and the closure of military bases in the state.

The package, which had strong bipartisan support in the Legislature, is meant to give the state a coordinated strategy for converting military bases to civilian control and encouraging peaceful uses of military technology.

“California’s defense workers are one of this state’s greatest competitive assets,” Wilson said. “By helping these highly skilled, creative individuals apply their talents to new applications . . . we are laying the foundation for a revitalized economy and a brighter future for our state.”


Among other things, the bills will:

* Create the Defense Conversion Council as a central contact point for all state defense conversion and reuse issues.

* Require the appointment of a defense conversion coordinator to represent the state government in Washington.

* Create the New Business Incubator Enterprise Program to help start-up companies convert military technology to the private sector.


* Create the Defense Conversion Matching Grant Program to distribute federal and state money to California projects.

* Establish the Office of Strategic Technology in state government, responsible for administering programs that support the development, application and commercialization of technology.

Assemblywoman Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), chairwoman of an Assembly task force on defense conversion, said California communities near bases scheduled for closure have found it difficult to obtain information on their options for transforming the bases to civilian use.


“California now has a unified voice for defense conversion efforts as well as an official coordinating council to help communities deal with defense industry downsizing,” she said.
