
GETTING QUACKED: With their families coming for...

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GETTING QUACKED: With their families coming for Christmas, friends Mary Lewis and Judye Carvin wanted tickets for the Dec. 26 Mighty Ducks-Kings hockey game at Anaheim Arena. They got in line 90 minutes before the window opened, only to wait four hours behind 200 people. Turns out the game was already sold out, creating quite a stir among the unhappy fans (B1). . . . Says a disappointed Lewis, a Santa Ana teacher: “It did cross our minds we would have to wait this long, but we didn’t believe this line.”


PETE’S GUY: Former Costa Mesa resident Kevin Sloat is moving up the state capital ladder in the Wilson Administration. Sloat, a former top staffer for Sen. Marian Bergeson (R-Newport Beach) from 1984 through 1990, was named this week as Gov. Pete Wilson’s deputy chief of staff. That’s the No. 2 spot on the flow chart. . . . Previously he had served as a legislative secretary for the governor. Besides a bigger office, he’ll have Wilson’s ear on policy and budgetary matters.


TRUMPED: Between Loni and Burt’s divorce and Oprah Winfrey’s weight loss, Ivana Trump can hardly find her way into the tabloids these days. But if you’re one of those enthralled with the lives of the rich and famous, you can shake hands with the Donald’s former wife at the Price Club in Fountain Valley Tuesday. . . . She’s promoting her latest novel, “Free to Love.” Its double-entendre intended.



MATERIAL HOUSE? OK, maybe this doesn’t rank up there with Madonna’s neighbors complaining about her red and yellow-striped house in the Hollywood Hills. But some folks who live or work near the Taco Cabana in Westminster are seeing pink. . . . To them it’s an “eyesore” or “the pink marshmallow.” They’ve complained that the restaurant’s multiple bright pink colors sharply contrast with the mild brown decor of the shopping center near it. But city officials this week disagreed. Says redevelopment official Brian Fisk: “If it was alone, it may seem odd; but it blends with the area.”
