
GLENDALE : Donors Sought for College Computer

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Glendale Community College officials said this week that they are looking for donors to help fund a new computerized card-catalogue library system that could cost nearly $200,000.

The campus library, which serves more than 14,000 students, needs to replace the current version because the company contracted to maintain it will no longer be doing so by the end of 1994, said Jan Naumer, associate dean of library and media services.

During Monday’s Glendale College District board meeting, trustees approved negotiations with Utah-based Dynix Marquis Inc., which has offered to install and service a new computer system for $181,742. A five-year contract has yet to be finalized.


To meet the costs of the contract, however, administrators would have to dig into the library’s yearly fine revenues, Naumer said. That money typically goes back to the college’s general fund.

“The school is still looking for outside funding sources to help purchase the system,” Naumer said. “We’re on a tight budget, so they (administrators) have to take a look at every single income source (possible).”

The Dynix Marquis computer system would allow students to retrieve information on books as well as magazine and newspaper articles from a single computer terminal.
