
Different Report on Congressman


* In his latest “Special Report” sent to us at taxpayers’ expense, Congressman Elton Gallegly brags that he voted against “massive tax increases” which will raise $255.3 billion in tax revenue over the next five years. Meanwhile, Gallegly voted to extend the superconducting super collider, that big hole in the ground they’re digging in Texas, which is projected to cost over $16 billion before it’s finished. Does Gallegly propose that we borrow the money to pay for this project?

Gallegly has lined up with the Republican obstructionists in Congress in an effort to kill any economic proposals put forth by the Democrats. With a 10% unemployment rate here in Ventura County, the economic picture continues to go to hell. Someone should tell Gallegly that you don’t have to worry about income taxes if you don’t have an income.


