
Sales and Sex


Regarding “Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood’s Woman of the Year?” (Aug. 18):

Amy Holden Jones needs to wake up and smell the contradiction. When someone pays you to have sex with them, it is commonly considered an act of prostitution.

So Demi Moore’s “Indecent Proposal” character chose to sleep with Robert Redford’s character for a million dollars. It can be argued that the women who work Sunset and Hollywood boulevards also choose their “Robert Redfords” and that if the allegations against Fleiss are true, then her employees also exercised their right to choose. Let’s stop equivocating and simply call a pro a pro, shall we?

I might have an easier time buying Jones’ assertion that “Indecent Proposal” was about infidelity were it not for the print ads. A woman in her underwear, with no head, surrounded by cold hard cash is a much more accurate and telling synopsis of the film than anything Jones could say.



Los Angeles
