
Restrictions on Guns Just Rob the Innocent


* Scott Harris makes the statement (Jan. 11) that “I’ve yet to hear a good argument against stronger firearms regulations.”

How about this one: Firearms regulations have no effect on violent crime except to exacerbate the problem by diverting precious police and judicial resources from real crime as opposed to potential crime.

And what about this: Without exception, every city in the United States with the strictest firearms laws has a higher rate of violent crime than the cities with fewer gun laws. Every gun law ever concocted out of the minds of starry-eyed social utopians has been implemented in our nation’s capital, and yet for years that city had the distinction of being the murder capital of the nation.


Come on, Harris, snap out of it! What if Mothers Against Drunk Driving chose to focus on motor vehicles instead of the perpetrators? Where would their credibility be? And yet gun prohibitionists, instead of focusing on those who commit murder, focus on the means of mayhem. These misguided fools would rob from the innocent the means to self-defense at a time when our government is no longer willing to enforce laws that would protect us from the lawless.


