
Garden Grove City Council Retains Special Water Fee


City Councilman Robert F. Dinsen was rebuffed by his colleagues Tuesday night when he called for repeal of a water fee, which would decrease the average residential bill by 11% beginning July 1.

Arguing for the elimination of the water fee, which brings in $1.38 million in revenue, Dinsen said that residents living on Social Security “of a few hundred dollars a month” can’t afford the extra 11% charge on their bimonthly water bills.

However, other council members balked, contending that if they eliminated the fee, they would have to cut essential public services. Any cuts would have to come out of police, fire and zoning functions, Mayor Frank Kessler said.


Dinsen complained Wednesday that federal and state governments “are digging in the taxpayers’ pockets and the city doesn’t want to be left out.” The City Council approved the water fee in 1991. It provides revenue for the general fund to offset revenue losses in other areas.

Officials said the fee covers partial costs that the city spent for the formation of the Water Department and for street work incurred for maintenance of water lines.

Water bills for the typical Garden Grove household are the fourth-lowest in Orange County cities, according to a recent survey, officials said.
