
Topics / RELIGION : Rec Room Under Way for YMCA


A Covina church group dedicated to interracial relationships is building a computer and recreation room at the 28th Street-Crenshaw YMCA in South-Central Los Angeles.

Bridging the Gap, a multiracial group with Faith Community Church and other local congregations, formed shortly after the L.A. riots to grapple with deep-seated cultural misunderstandings.

Last year, group member Ed Martin, who is on the board of the Crenshaw YMCA, suggested the project. The church paid much of the $2,750 for materials, and several group members donated the labor needed to turn a storage room without finished walls, ceiling or floors into a teen center with space for computers, recreational games, music, videos, typewriters and adding machines.


“It’s going to bring inner-city teen-agers off the streets so they can get computer education as well as recreation,” said Cynthia Boutte, executive director of the facility.
