
SIMI VALLEY : Council May Request Geological Study


Hoping to resolve concerns about ground ruptures caused by the earthquake, the Simi Valley City Council on Monday will consider asking state geologists to conduct an in-depth study of the area.

If approved, the city would request a safety study from the mines and geology division of the California Department of Conservation.

State geologists have already made several brief trips to Simi Valley to examine fissures and liquefaction at the southeast end of the city, said Diane Davis-Crompton, director of the city’s environmental service department.


Liquefaction occurs when a high ground water table combines with fine grain soil, causing the ground to crack and sink.

In Simi Valley, the liquefaction zone follows the path of the Arroyo Simi, a usually dry river that curves through the south end of the city.

“This request is another step in the process of putting things back to normal,” Crompton said. “So far we’ve had very good assistance from the state, and we’re asking for this in-depth study so we can get on with the rebuilding.”
