
Crime Article Should Have Had a Follow-Up


* On March 29 you had a five-sentence story on the arrest “after a brief chase” of two heavily armed men driving in Encino. They were accused of illegal possession of weapons, according to the article.

The Los Angeles Times has lots of subscribers in Encino and other Valley communities. Do you think they might be interested in the details, including what happened next? I am.

Who is the judge or state entity that paroled one of these men? Are the accused in jail on these new charges or out on bail? Will you check out if they will be tried, or will they simply plea-bargain themselves back on the street? Do these goons have to kill someone before our society takes note of their conduct to date?


Do you think follow-up on matters of legitimate interest to your readers is appropriate? If not, we might as well all just watch television news programs.


