
Transportation: MTA Design Priorities for Pasadena Light-Rail Line

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The Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority has acquired Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way and rail lines in the Los Angeles area at a cost of many hundreds of millions of dollars, yet MTA is planning to use only a part of it.

For the part that will be used for light rail to Pasadena, MTA staff plans to remove and replace good bridges, rails and ties at additional millions of dollars, rather than defer replacement until needed. In addition, MTA staff is designing stations complete with escalators, elevators, stairways, snack bars, etc., at several million dollars for each, when all that is needed is simple wheelchair-friendly ramps.

If MTA could be persuaded to postpone or change these costly decisions, money would be available for other desirable features that should be in the design for the best interests of the public. Once cast in concrete, it will be there for a long time. Statements to the contrary notwithstanding, the point of no return has not been reached. There is still the opportunity for a better design that would be in the best interest of Pasadena and the cities east to Montclair.


Metrolink morning and evening commuter service on existing rails from Montclair to Los Angeles, via Pasadena, could begin tomorrow rather than in the distant future if and when light rail is in operation from Los Angeles to Pasadena. Double tracking for light rail can be constructed concurrent with Metrolink operation. Also, funding for Metrolink comes from a different cookie jar.

Light rail to Pasadena would be assured and not be jeopardized by the present shortfall of funds, and questionable innovative financing for funds for undergrounding short sections in Pasadena and Highland Park would be avoided.


