
FULLERTON : Alternatives Offered to Water Rate Hike

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Residents last week criticized a proposed 6% water rate hike that city officials are considering to cover maintenance and operating costs for the Water Department.

At a meeting of the Fullerton Energy and Resource Management Committee, residents asked members to consider alternatives to raising the water rates.

Suggestions included a water conservation program with fines for those who use excessive water, a water recycling program and implementation of a voluntary conservation effort.


The proposed water fee increase is needed because the cost of getting water and maintaining the water system has gone up, while people have been using less water, said Bob Hodson, director of engineering.

The result has been less revenue, because water bills are based on usage.

“I don’t see that raising rates is ever going to solve our problem and we’ve got to look for some other ways” to raise revenue, said resident Bob Ford.

The committee will hold another meeting at 7:30 p.m. June 15 at City Hall to discuss the city’s proposal to raise the rates and hear residents’ other concerns.


The public is encouraged to attend the session.

The committee will make recommendations to the City Council, which will decide sometime in July whether to raise the rates.
