
Election: Traffic and Redevelopment


As a member of the board of directors of the Ocean Park Community Organization, a co-chair of its traffic committee and a homeowner on 4th Street, I am terribly frustrated by the prospect of increased traffic problems that will occur if the proposed Civic Center redevelopment is passed June 7.

I speak for many other 4th Street residents who share my concern. Traffic counts on our street already exceed the amounts designated by city traffic and engineering by between 25% and 45%. Daily volumes currently run between 13,500 and 19,800 car trips per day, a frightening amount for a narrow, heavily populated residential street with elementary schools, elderly citizens and pedestrian and bicycle traffic.

The Civic Center Plan claims an additional 24,000-plus car trips will be generated with the new development and that this will have no negative effect on existing conditions. Who would blame us for being skeptical? Are they thinking that all this traffic will enter and exit the area from the freeway?


When does the quality of life and safety of a city’s citizens become at least as important as the city’s ability to move traffic quickly and efficiently down its streets? A “no” vote on Propositions D and E would at least send this plan back to the drawing board.


Santa Monica
