
School Board Failures


Baseball. Sex. Drugs. Hypocrisy. Our school board chooses a severe punishment against coach, players and parents for a coach’s action to help his assistants and the school district. Chances are that the school board wished they had thought of renting out the property to help finance the district’s programs. If the coach had pocketed the money, then the board’s decision would have been correct. He did not; he put the money back into the school’s baseball program.

District health teachers routinely flaunt the abstinence-only policy currently in place in the district. They bring in “homosexual rights” advocates to massage the values of schoolchildren. Does the board suspend these health teachers for violating district policy? No.

In the recent stabbing trial, the judge lamented the situation at Valley View, where it appeared to him that alcohol-impaired students were being tolerated in the classroom. Nice learning environment for the good kids.


I say the school board has a liberal, double-standard policy that favors immorality and attacks programs and people they have little tolerance for. I suggest the health teachers be put under investigation, the coach absolved and the school board voted out. If there are not two good candidates to support in the November elections, I will run.


Simi Valley
