
Entertain Is What He Does

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I can understand why some people would object to my replacing Larry King. I can understand why some people might object to my decision to do light talk rather than join the bulging ranks of talk-show hosts who do serious talk (“Today’s Talk-Radio Topic: The Future of Talk Radio,” Calendar, June 24). I’ll state my defense shortly. First, I want to say that what I really don’t understand is why Michael Jackson of KABC Radio is one of those persons, for the following reasons:

I was asked by Jackson on many occasions through the years to be a guest on his talk show. I accepted several times. I was doing the same line of work I do now. I was an entertainer. My job was to entertain every audience--live, on TV or on radio. That’s exactly why Michael Jackson had me on and that’s exactly what I did each and every time.

I assumed he kept asking me back and having me as a guest because I was successful in “entertaining” his audience. I certainly wasn’t informative in the traditional sense. Why, I never even talked about what Johnny Carson was really like. All I did was make Jackson and his listeners laugh.



From the calls we received while on the air, I know I did my job well. As a matter of fact, I did so well, Jackson asked me to fill in for him as the host of his show when he took a vacation. I did, and guess what I did sitting in his chair in front of his mike with his audience listening? Right, I made them laugh; I entertained them.

The ironic part of all this is that it was because of my appearances and guest hosting of Jackson’s show, as well as the times I appeared and hosted King’s shows, that Westwood One Radio Network offered me my own show. So, if it is truly “sad” that I have taken over King’s time slot, one of the fingers should be pointed at Jackson.

I know how vitally important it is that we keep the public informed about the “important matters.” It was this reason why, prior to becoming a comedian, I wrote, produced and directed 135 documentaries on television.


My reason for creating a talk-show format that is not issue-oriented goes beyond the fact that I don’t want to jump into an overcrowded stream. I created my radio format because there are times in my life when my personal problems and/or the world’s problems are just wearing me down and I want a break, a temporary escape hatch, a momentary oasis.

I know that there are many radio listeners out there who feel the same. “The David Brenner Show” is their temporary relief. From the tremendous number of telephone calls, faxes and letters listeners have sent, I know I am right on target.


When I first started my career in comedy, and there was criticism from some people in the industry, my father told me not to listen to the men in suits and ties who carry attache cases, but to listen to the everyday people, the public. Thank God I did. Well, I am following that same advice in my radio career. The public is talking and I am listening, and what I am hearing is that when I am talking, they are listening.


I would gladly be a guest on “The Michael Jackson Show” to discuss this subject, but I don’t do serious radio. I entertain. Jackson is welcome on my show anytime, as long as his anecdotes and jokes are original and funny.
