
GARDEN GROVE : More City Jobs Lost as Budget Is OKd

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For the fourth straight year, the City Council has adopted a budget that eliminates jobs as it grapples with a multimillion-dollar deficit.

The $46.6-million budget for the 1994-95 fiscal year, approved by a 4-1 vote Tuesday, eliminates seven positions and leaves 24 others vacant. Over the past four years, the city has reduced its work force by 8%, City Manager George L. Tindall said.

“It’s another reduction budget,” Tindall said. “We’re trying to make up for the loss in revenues by reducing our costs. We’re living within our means.”


The city has 600 employees and 143,000 residents, one of the lowest ratios in the state, Tindall said.

None of the job cuts are in the police or fire departments. Among the positions eliminated were a clerk, a city planner, an assistant city manager and a maintenance supervisor, Tindall said. The positions were vacant, and no one was laid off, he said.

The budget does not call for new taxes, but council members are considering increasing the fees for a variety of services, such as building permits and planning and code inspections. City officials estimate that the new fees would bring in $50,000 a year. Council members, however, delayed action on the proposal until their July 19 meeting.


Councilman Robert F. Dinsen voted against adoption of the budget, saying it contains “taxes” disguised as annual fees for water services and street lighting. The fees, adopted in 1991, bring about $2 million a year to the city, he said.

Officials blame the city’s continued financial difficulties on the poor economy, the increasing cost of complying with state and federal mandates regarding programs such as recycling and water treatment, and state fund cutbacks.

Income from sales and property taxes for the coming fiscal year is estimated at $39.4 million, while expenses are estimated at $46.6 million, resulting in a $7.2-million deficit.


Additional expenses for the November general election, maintenance and replacement of city equipment and upkeep of city buildings would increase the deficit to nearly $8 million, officials said.

A combination of cuts, higher fees, money saved from deferred street repairs and shifts of money from other funds to the general fund would cover the deficit.

Nearly half of the city’s expenses, $21.1 million, will be for police services. Fire services account for $9.7 million of the city budget.

City officials said the budget was drafted under the assumption that the state would not take property taxes from the city.

“We’re fine, as long as nothing happens,” Councilman Bruce A. Broadwater said. “There will be some pain if we get hit by the state.”
