
Yaroslavsky Seeks Garage Sale Limits

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Responding to a complaint about garage sales at multi-unit buildings, Los Angeles Councilman Zev Yaroslavsky recommended this week that the city draft an ordinance limiting the number of garage sales in residential areas.

Under Yaroslavsky’s proposal, no more than three days of sales would be allowed within a six-month period at each property and no more than two per seven-day period. A resident holding a garage sale would only be allowed to sell used items owned by that resident. The measure would prohibit the sale of new items or items owned by someone else.

The proposal, to be considered in about two weeks by the council’s Planning and Land Use Committee, would amend a garage sale ordinance proposed in 1989 by Councilman John Ferraro and approved by the city’s Planning Commission in May. The City Council has yet to approve the Ferraro motion.


Alisa Katz, Yaroslavsky’s chief deputy, said the Ferraro ordinance is “too loosely worded” and would allow for dozens of garage sales at multi-unit properties.

Yaroslavsky’s proposal was prompted, Katz said, by a complaint from a resident of a North Hollywood apartment complex who said residents in her building had numerous garage sales, creating traffic, parking and litter problems in the neighborhood.
