
Gas Company Plans $5 Million in Quake Repair Grants

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The Southern California Gas Co. is planning to give earthquake victims a little CPR--that’s Community Partnership for earthquake Repair.

About $5 million will be made available to Southland residents who suffered earthquake damage and need to make minor home repairs. The money is being made available through the gas company, in conjunction with several public agencies, including the California Department of Economic Opportunities and the California Conservation Corps.

“This is the first time the gas company has teamed up with public entities,” said Southern California Gas spokesman George McQuade.


The gas company has long helped low-income, disabled and elderly homeowners weatherize their homes, and this program is aimed at helping those same people take care of minor problems caused specifically by the quake, McQuade said.

The grants, which will average between $500 and $1,500, will go to help residents replace broken windows and damaged water heaters, repair water damage and fix cracked sidewalks and electrical, plumbing and gas systems.

“There are a lot of homes out there with damage,” said McQuade. While the fund now contains $5 million, that figure could rise, he said.


The program, timed to mark six months since the Jan. 17 quake, will be launched at 10 a.m. Saturday at 13537 Wiedner St., the address of a Pacoima home that qualified for assistance.

The CPR project is designed to give assistance to those at or below the poverty level and disabled or elderly persons who have been turned down by other agencies.

For more information or to apply, call Southern California Gas at (800) 427-2200.
