
Teachers Put Aside Past Differences, Support Brown in Gubernatorial Race

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The 40,000-member California Federation of Teachers endorsed gubernatorial candidate Kathleen Brown on Saturday as the parent American Federation of Teachers’ 73rd convention opened here.

“We know that Kathleen Brown cares deeply about kids--big kids and little kids--at all levels,” said California Federation of Teachers President Mary Bergan, a vicepresident of the national organization. “We are very proud to endorse her.”

The state organization, which had endorsed state Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi in the gubernatorial primary in June, has had some differences with Brown in the past. But Brown vowed Saturday to focus on a common goal: improving the state’s public school system.


Brown promised to implement a job training program for high school students, pump $100 million in technology into the schools and work to achieve campus safety. She also took a jab at Gov. Pete Wilson, echoing her campaign television advertisement that accuses him of reducing funds for education.

“Pete Wilson has had his chance and he gets a failing grade,” Brown said.
