
THE HUBER MURDER CASE : <i> ‘Though It’s Still a Mystery . . . We Have Her Memory’</i> : Tribute: Her youth counselor wrote the song to mark the 3rd anniversary of her death. It is performed at the service.


For the past three years, Denise Huber’s disappearance has taken hold of Nancy Streza’s life. She prayed that God would help bring Denise home and she carted flyers with Huber’s face on every road trip.

A few months ago, Streza, who was once Huber’s youth counselor at Calabasas Presbyterian Church, sat down and composed a song to give to Dennis and Ione Huber in commemoration of the third anniversary of their daughter’s disappearance.

The song, entitled “Her Memory,” became a moving tribute in the Saturday service that brought the three long years of waiting to a ceremonious end after Denise Huber’s body was discovered in Arizona.


“I wrote it for the third anniversary and I gave it to them on June 3, but then I revised it last week,” said Streza, who served as a youth counselor at the church along with her husband, Dick, when Denise Huber was in the seventh through ninth grades.

The song was performed by pianist John Andrew Schreiner at the Newport Beach service.

“I felt like we got a glimpse of heaven today,” Streza said.

Streza, who lives near San Juan Capistrano and attends the same Aliso Creek church as the Hubers, said she latched onto the lyrics of a Ricky Skaggs song during the years of waiting.

“It goes, ‘Till the answers come, you’ve got to keep praying. Keep praying till the answers come,’ ” said Streza, a vocalist and country music fan. “That became my song. I made a commitment that I was going to pray everyday.”

Streza said Denise Huber became especially close to her husband during their years together at the church.

Ever since Denise Huber disappeared, the Strezas have taken a yearly trip to Colorado to visit Nancy Streza’s family, plastering every rest stop with flyers.

This year, Streza said, they can take their trip with the knowledge that Denise Huber’s ordeal is over.


The lyrics of the “Her Memory” follow:

Five foot nine, eyes of blue

Oh Denise, we love you!

She went to a concert on a casual date,

Said goodby to her friend and drove home real late.

What happened next is a mystery

Someone took her away--left us just her memory.


Bright eyes and laughter, a heart full of love

A trusting faith in her God up above

She loved music and dancin’, was a loyal Kings fan

Walks on the beach with her golden suntan.

Three years of prayin’, three years of fright

But I know in my heart everything is all right.


In livin’ and dyin’ she’s safe in God’s hands

The same Lord who loves us has her best in His plans.

He’ll bring us together for eternity

They didn’t take her soul . . . or her memory.

Bright eyes and laughter, a heart full of love

A trusting faith in her God up above.


She loved England and dolphins, was a loyal Kings fan

I saw her walk on the beach with her golden suntan.

Though it’s still a mystery . . . We have her memory.
