
Goldwater on Gay Rights

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All too often, I’ll read an opinion in your Column Right feature, shake my head, and wonder to myself why I’m still registered as a Republican. Thank you for brightening my day with former Sen. Barry Goldwater’s excellent piece on employment protections for gays and lesbians (“Equality, in the Service of Productivity,” Column Right, July 14).

It is very encouraging to see a political figure of Sen. Goldwater’s stature stand up to the hateful, mean-spirited and fundamentally foolish rhetoric of the radical right.

Unless the mainstream leadership of the Republican Party can find the courage and the character to stand up to the dime-store demagogues and fundamentalist fanatics, the Ollie Norths and Jerry Falwells, the Republican Party will become the kind of irrelevant political freak show it has defeated in five of the last seven presidential elections.


Thank you, Sen. Goldwater, for reminding Republicans of our traditions, our principles and our priorities.


Long Beach

Goldwater’s article appeared on the wrong side of the page. Thomas Jefferson, a true conservative, said, “He who governs least governs best.” The litmus test for governmental intrusion is and continues to be economic disparity proven through statistical and anecdotal data compiled through disparity studies. If it could be proven that the mean income of homosexuals falls consistently and substantially below that of the average American, then a case should be made for “equalizing” legislation as in the case of blacks, minorities and women.

Relevant data from private sources such as advertisers and political fund-raisers indicates the opposite, that in fact homosexual households contain a far higher percentage of “disposable” income. Continued erosion of this litmus test does a disservice to blacks and minorities who cannot conceal their identity as homosexuals can. As a civil rights activist since 1965, you can label this “letter from the left.”




Am I hallucinating? On the same day’s Commentary page, two dire warnings and chastisements of the runaway-rogue right (Goldwater and Alexander Cockburn, “Where’s the Left’s Reply to Limbaugh?” Column Left).

After months of nothing but vicious right-wing false accusations, are we finally seeing signs, hints in the political debate to semblances of moderation, balance and truth? Or is truth to be allowed only biannually, in token columns from liberal and traditional conservative alike?


Desert Hot Springs
