
Of Course, Corgis Are Beautiful

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Hold it. Stop the presses. I demand a retraction or at least a clarification.

In “From Plain Pooches to Top Dogs” (July 14) Kathie Jenkins quotes anonymous dog show judges as incredulously allowing that, “Yes, even corgis are beautiful.”

As the owner of two such creatures and a member of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of Southern California, I am stunned. I can only assume another breed was the intended target.

Corgis (corgwyn actually) are beautiful by all true canine standards: Foxlike faces with eyes ringed by natural “eyeliner,” usually a crisp white blaze from nose to forehead and large ears held erect combine to handsomely betray the breed’s intelligence and aesthetic appeal.


Obviously your article meant to refer to some truly cosmetically challenged breed. Pugs, perhaps?


West Hollywood
