
Company Town : Bill Deutsch Named A&R; Chief at Hollywood Records

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Hollywood Records has appointed Bill Deutsch director of artists and repertoire. Deutsch previously was an A&R; representative at Atlantic Records.

NBC Television restructured its Entertainment Division on Monday, creating four teams responsible for all programming and doing away with distinctions based on comedy or drama and development or current. The team heads, who will report to NBC Entertainment President Warren Littlefield, are Senior Vice Presidents Lindy DeKoven, Rick Ludwin and Jamie McDermott and Vice President David Nevins. NBC also established an entertainment communications team, headed by Executive Vice President John Miller, to come up with long-range promotion and publicity strategies.

Andy Marx, technology reporter and columnist for Daily and Weekly Variety, has been named Hollywood bureau chief for the new high-tech publication InterActive Week. It is owned by InterActive Enterprises, a partner with Ziff Communications Co. on the publication. Before his two-year stint at Variety as a high-tech and film reporter, Marx was a regular contributor to The Times’ Calendar section.


Christian Kubsch has joined Imax Corp. as executive in charge of production for Ridefilm, the firm’s simulation-based film-production subsidiary.

W. Timothy Wallace has joined Lehman Bros. as a vice president and an analyst covering the media and entertainment industries.
