
Simi Man, 46, Files Claim Alleging Abuse by Officer


A Simi Valley man has filed a legal claim against the city, alleging that a police officer roughed him up while he was handcuffed during an arrest and again after he was hospitalized for minor injuries from the first assault.

Lloyd Landman, a 46-year-old pool maintenance man, filed the claim Aug. 18. He charges that Officer Todd Berg hurt him twice while arresting him for battery in a domestic dispute.

Simi Valley Police Capt. Jerry Boyce declined to comment on the claim or to say whether the department is investigating the incident internally because the matter is in litigation.


City Atty. John Torrance said, “We just got the claim yesterday, and we’re investigating it.”

Landman’s lawyer, Diane Marchant, said he got involved in an argument with his daughter’s ex-husband when he dropped off a grandchild at the man’s house. During the altercation, the man shoved Landman, then called police to complain that Landman had spit at him in response, Marchant said.

When police arrived to cite Landman for battery, he refused to sign a citation and Officer Berg said he would get a warrant for Landman’s arrest, the claim contends. Landman told the officer, “If you’re going to arrest me, arrest me now,” and held out his wrists to be handcuffed, the claim said.

Berg cuffed Landman’s hands behind his back, picked him up and “body-slammed him face down onto the concrete, rendering . . . Landman unconscious or semi-conscious and injuring him,” the claim said.

Then, while handcuffed to a bed at Simi Valley Hospital, Berg lifted Landman off the bed, injuring his left hand, the claim said.

Landman said in an interview that he suffered a black eye, scratches to his face from the pavement and injuries to his wrists and ankles from the restraints.
