
BURBANK : Bogus Social Workers Are Sought by Police

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Two women who posed as government social workers to gain entrance to the homes of three elderly Burbank residents are being sought for robbery, attempted robbery and burglary, police said Friday.

The suspects first struck Tuesday when an 80-year-old man who lives in the 1400 block of Broadway reported that a heavy-set Latino woman in her 50s arrived at his door and said she was a nurse who had been sent to give him a physical examination.

Once inside, the woman began going through the man’s personal belongings and was joined by another suspect, described as a white woman in her 20s or 30s. No items were reported stolen.


Police believe that the same two women struck twice Thursday, first telling an 88-year-old woman who lives in the 1400 block of Rose Street that they were social workers investigating a report that she had been beaten by a man.

Over the woman’s protests, the suspects entered the house, pushed the woman aside and began looking through her belongings. According to police, they took $40 cash from the woman’s wallet, and possibly some checks.

In the third incident, a 75-year-old man whose home is in the 1400 block of Clybourn Street told police that two women matching the suspects’ description came into his house about 10:20 a.m., saying they were investigating a report that the man had beaten his wife.


The man demanded to see their identifications. The suspects left, saying “their supervisor” would be back to deal with the man, Sgt. Len Doran said.

Police Detective Jose Duran said the suspects may have followed the victims home from the store or pharmacy.

He said there are several reasons police think the same women are responsible for all three crimes. In each case, one of the suspects has been described as overweight and “dirty-looking,” Duran said. “Apparently her hair is described as dirty and unkempt. She just has a dirty appearance about her, according to the victims.”


In each case, the suspects’ getaway vehicle was described as a late 1970s American-made mid-size car, with faded blue or dark paint.

Duran said seniors can protect themselves by “not letting anybody in.”

“They should keep their doors locked, and they should ask for ID if anybody comes to the door. If the people say they don’t have ID or refuse to give it, they should slam the door in their face and immediately call police.”
