
OAK PARK : Spending to Improve High School OKd

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Oak Park High School students will have a new cafeteria and multipurpose room in the next two years as a result of the Oak Park Unified School District’s decision to spend $3.5 million on the project.

The money will also fund improvements to the school’s gymnasium and athletic stadium, which have no permanent bleachers or restrooms, district officials said. That portion of the work should be completed by September, 1995.

The projects are the second phase of a two-part, $5.1-million plan to improve facilities at Oak Park High School. In June, the board approved construction of a new classroom building, new tennis court and a science lab renovation.


Assistant Supt. Stanley Mantooth said the improvements are needed because Oak Park High is expected to grow beyond its current capacity over the next 10 years.

“We expect that by the year 2003, we would have about 1,160 students,” he said. “We want to provide for that.”

About 690 students are now enrolled at Oak Park High.

Anticipating growth in the community and subsequently the schools, Oak Park voters have passed six bond issues to pay for school construction and improvements. Those bonds will also pay for the high school additions and renovations, district officials said.
