
School Metal Detectors

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It’s a disgrace that we need legislation to authorize the spending of $1 million for the purchase of metal detectors to be placed in Los Angeles city schools (Aug. 25).

What has this country come to when children can walk around with guns? Who is responsible? Is it the parents, gun dealers, elected officials, the NRA, or is it all of us?

I believe we all need to take responsibility. However, I feel the National Rifle Assn. should run educational seminars for young people and their parents. The parents should also be held responsible when their child is found with a gun. Both parent and child should also be fined and do community service, such as in hospitals where they can see the damage of shootings, especially when done to other young people.


Friends and neighbors should also teach and be role models against violence.

The parents of any child who is caught with a gun, whether after the detectors are installed or before, should be made to contribute monetarily to the installation of such metal detectors.

It has become a sad day when we have to live watching our backs and our children, and debate whether a law should be passed on owning guns. Have we become such a violent society that we have stopped caring about human life?


Pico Rivera
