
Sun Sets Today on Arts and Crafts Series

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Nine weeks after the Summer by the Sea Arts and Crafts series opened along the promenade near the Ventura Pier, organizers, merchants and shoppers are calling it a success and hoping it will grow.

“The crowds have been good,” co-organizer Kyndle Lee said at the information stand, adding that hundreds of browsers often visited. “I think the community would look forward to seeing it expand.”

Lee said the city plans to repeat the event next summer and beyond, perhaps expanding its size through additional recruiting and advertisements in crafts magazines.


The summer arts and entertainment series along the pier and promenade concludes today, with vendors at their booths from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event was designed to attract more weekend activity and tourism to the recently restored pier and the beachfront it overlooks.

Clyde Freiberg, 67, a lifetime resident of Ventura, said he enjoys seeing the series at the oceanfront.

“What’s unique about this is we have the pier back here and the beach,” he said, motioning to the active scene behind him. “It makes it very beautiful and we have the mountains in the background.”


Added Candace Sczepan, who has spent several weekends at recent shows selling special oil-painted photographs: “This weekend I’m really impressed, this is the most vendors I’ve seen.”
