
Planes: Heavy Air Traffic, Noise Around Santa Monica Airport

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Regarding all the articles about the noise emanating from planes departing and landing at Santa Monica Airport, and regarding the recent plane accidents in the area:

I have lived on Ocean Park Boulevard near 6th Street for 15 years. In the last year things have really changed. Suddenly , I am being divebombed by planes virtually every night, usually around 10:30 p.m. but often at 12:30 a.m. A few times even later. The noise is unbelievably close--loud, intense and scary.

Further exacerbating this situation for me is the fact that the plane that crashed on the day after Thanksgiving, 1993, crashed right in front of my car as I was driving on 4th Street. I was the only car on the street at that time, and luckily avoided most of the tree limbs and wires as they came down. I ran to help and then waited an interminable time--at least 12 to 15 minutes--for the firetrucks to arrive, as the flames crept closer and closer to the open cockpit.


My flashbacks might end if the nightly planes are ever made to stop (or fly higher?).

