
OXNARD : College Festivity Marks Mexican Independence

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Students and community leaders marked Mexico’s Independence Day at Oxnard College Friday by urging celebrants to continue the work of civil rights leaders such as Cesar Chavez and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

“We can’t forget our roots, and we need to struggle against the forces that have come against our people throughout the world,” student Rocio Soto told an audience of about 50. “We must understand what our people went through in the past, and we must be prepared for what may happen in the future.”

The festivities at the college were organized by the Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan, a Mexican American student organization, to celebrate Mexico’s independence from Spain on Sept. 16, 1821.


Local Latino leaders took advantage of the six-hour celebration to campaign for Latino issues.

Marcos Vargas, executive director for El Concilio del Condado de Ventura, asked the audience to oppose Proposition 187, which would deny most government services to illegal immigrants.

“We need to remember the past and be concerned about the future,” Vargas said. “Supporters of Proposition 187 are putting the blame of our economic problems on Mexicanos.”


Other speakers included Jose Plaza, a history professor at the University of Mexico in Mexico City, and Oxnard City Council candidate Leticia Alvarez.

As the smell of tacos and burritos filled the air, 23-year-old Irma Serrato of Oxnard and her friends joined a band singing Mexican ballads.

“I used to watch my parents drink to this song every time our family got together,” Serrato said. “Those are romantic Mexican songs which remind me of my grandmother, cousins and fiestas.”


Mexicans celebrate Independence Day with parades, fireworks and family gatherings, Serrato said.

Other Independence Day celebrations in the county include Las Fiestas Patrias Festival, which will take place today and Sunday at College Park, 3250 Rose Ave., Oxnard.

The festival, sponsored by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, will feature Mexican food and live entertainment.

Festival hours today will be from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and on Sunday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. For more information, call 486-0266.
