
Scattered Showers Could Continue

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Scattered thundershowers swept across Ventura County on the last day of summer and forecasters said the weather will remain unpredictable through the weekend.

“We’ll see some sun, some clouds, maybe a shower, but I don’t expect anything heavy,” said Ed Wentworth, a forecaster with the National Weather Service in Oxnard. “These types of systems are common in September.”

Wentworth said the brief downpours and lightning on Thursday night occurred when a low pressure system off-shore moved closer to land and mixed with moist air moving north.


“It’s like a top spinning all by itself,” he said. “If it moves a little west, showers decrease. If it moves a little east, we get more rain.”

Wentworth said the unstable weather will also cause daytime temperatures to fluctuate between the low 80s and low 70s as winds shift from the northeast to the west.
